IOSHA signs a strategic partnership agreement with Body Max

  • Sept. 28, 2021, 9:24 p.m.

The signing ceremony of the Strategic partnership agreement between IOSHA and Body Max was held on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 6 p.m. at the Hill Top Hotel.

On this unique moment, this agreement confirms the common belief, and the shared missions of both institutions. The agreement sets several major areas of work to push forward safety and health culture at workplace by Promoting physical activity and exercises.

Increasing employees’ physical activity can create a healthier workforce, increase employees’ productivity, and decrease employees’ risk of developing costly and debilitating chronic diseases. Employees who are physically active have lower healthcare costs, require fewer sick leaves, and are more productive at work.

This agreement sets 5 major areas of work that strengthen joint actions already well under way with the Industrial Occupational Safety and Health Agency Intervention program:

  1. Build a culture of Safety and health,
  2. Create a community-wide educational campaign,
  3. Health promotion program and research activities,
  4. Tailor programming to employee needs and desires,
  5. Target multiple factors to help maximize success




Remarks By  Mr. Etienne BYIRINGIRO, Chief Executive Office during IOSHA-BODY MAX Strategic Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony

Opening Remarks


  1. Managing Director, Body Max, Mr. Karim Faith NIYONSENGA,
  2. IOSHA General Secretary, Mr. Christian Chance NDAHIRIWE,
  3. Distinguished Guests,
  4. Colleagues from IOSHA,
  5. Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is with great pleasure that I witness the forging of partnership between Industrial Occupational Safety and Health Agency (IOSHA) and Body Max.

To our distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, you all do recall the common saying that “if you want to move very fast, move alone but if you wish to move far move with a team.” We are here signing the Strategic partnership agreement with Body Max because we believe in teamwork.

In this regard on behalf of IOSHA fraternity, I take this opportunity to thank Body Max for joining us in fostering a team spirit in our strategic delivery of the institutional mandate for the good of our community and nation at large.

Our distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Strategic partnership agreement we are signing today with Body Max will be a game changer to our community for compliance of the Occupational safety and health requirements at workplace by Promoting physical activity and exercises.

Thanks to Mr. Christian and Mr. Karim for your hard work to make this happen.

To Body Max, I wish to promise that as an Agency, we shall do all within our capacities to ensure the agreement to be signed is fully made use of and especially in ensuring timely launch of the proposed activities.

I thank all our guests for gracing this occasion. To our staff, let us all strive to be the best that we can be in order to show the world that “we too are blessed in doing things differently”.

The Agreement we shall sign today will enable IOSHA and Body Max to join hands together and reach out to our community and to our customers as we jointly continue to “unlock infinite possibilities.”

May God bless you all, May God blesses our partnerships and our nation Rwanda and all of us as we continue to serve in our different capacities.



Closing Remarks


  1. Managing Director, Body Max, Mr. Karim Faith NIYONSENGA,
  2. IOSHA General Secretary, Mr. Christian Chance NDAHIRIWE,
  3. Distinguished Guests,
  4. Colleagues from IOSHA,
  5. Ladies and Gentlemen.

With the signing of this strategic partnership agreement, IOSHA and Body Max have made one crucial step to strengthen the bonding between us.

We have much in common, but also a lot different in various aspects.  We are keen  competitors  but  we  also  have  great things  to  share  with  one  another,  and  this could  best been  achieved  through  the  platform  created  by  this strategic partnership agreement.

We are optimistic that this signed strategic partnership agreement will open a new frontier to our community for compliance of the Occupational safety and health standards at workplace by Promoting physical activity and exercises.

Finally, on behalf of the IOSHA Management and on my own behalf, I wish to promise that we shall offer our best to ensure success of this partnership.